"9/11 Perspectives."

September 11, 2019 marks the 18th anniversary of the still unsolved largest civilian crime of the 21st century: "9/11." An estimated 400,000 first responders, EMTs, firefighters, police officers, residents, workers and others were exposed to the corrosive dust mixture (pH 11) and toxic pollutants in the cloud of dust and debris from the "collapse" of the three WTC buildings on September 11, 2001. The official investigation report says not a word about the fact that instructions also went out not to use respirators so as not to "alarm the public."

On September 11, 2001, FEMA's largest emergency exercise took place in Manhattan, coinciding with the September 11 attacks. The demolition of the three skyscrapers WTC 1, 2 and 7 remains unexplained to this day, costing tens of thousands of lives in New York alone. © Stichting September 11
On September 11, 2001, the largest emergency exercise of FEMA took place in Manhattan at the same time as the attacks of September 11. The demolition of the three skyscrapers WTC 1, 2 and 7 is officially still unexplained and costs the lives of tens of thousands of first responders, police officers, firefighters and clean-up workers in New York alone, among others, because of asbestos, radioactivity, nano-toxins and many other things. © Stichting September 11

To this day, critical citizens and journalists are asking more and more questions about why, what and why it all happened and who was behind what has been learned in the general media as the act of alleged 19 Muslim terrorists with box cutters.

That here the largest, so far unsolved crime is far more than the act of a small group of crazy criminals becomes clear at the latest, if one knows that on 11 September also a 3rd high-rise building imploded into dust, the WTC 7.

Come with us on a journey through time of horror to finally solve this crime and find the real culprits. Because whoever knows the truth and remains silent about it, is complicit in the crime. Therefore, a complete and gapless clarification and Re-examination of the entire context of 9/11 is urgently needed.

At "9/11 Perspectives" - a public master class on the events of September 11, 2001, you will learn the latest background and facts about 9/11 from proven experts.

10,000 people diagnosed with cancer linked to 9/11.

Erin Durkin, The Guardian


The event program at "9/11 Perspectives."

12.00 Door opening to the foyer; bar opened

12.30 Door opening to the theater hall

13.00 Welcome: "Why this event is important". From Dr. Daniele Ganser

13.05 Presentation & introduction of Barbara Honegger

1:10 p.m. "Why the truth about 9/11 is even more important today than it was on 9/11." From Barbara Honegger


Part I: The indisputable forensic evidence

a) The World Trade Center

13.20 Introduction to the topic by Ed Asner with video clips

13.40 Introduction of Richard Gage, AIA (via livestream): "University study Destroys NIST WTC 7 report: new 9/11 investigation called for by 3000 architects and engineers "

14.10 Presentation of Dr. Niels Harrit: „The chemistry of Sept. 11: A consistent collapse model for the twin towers

14.40 Presentation of Jan-Andre Zaba: "A Swiss Engineer's Perspective on the Means of Destroying WTCs 1, 2 and 7" By. Jan-Andre Zaba, Swiss civil engineer

b) The Pentagon

3 p.m. "Parallels between the WTC and Pentagon evidence and why it matters." From Barbara Honegger

15:45 Break (45 min.)

Part II: Breakthroughs for 9/11 Truth and Justice

16.30 Introduction of the Lawyers Committee for the September 11 Investigation (LC)., including the New York Fire Commissioners' 9/11 resolution and the video clip of Ed Asner From Barbara Honegger, member of the Board of Directors and officer of LC.

4:50 p.m. Presentation of the LC Litigation Director and Board Member Mick Harrison and of the LC Board Member and Officer Jane Clark.

4:55 p.m. "A Year of Breakthroughs for 9/11 Truth and Justice" By. Mick Harrison and Jane Clark - via video link with Jan Clark: History of Mick Harrison's nonprofit: LC Legal Steps and Update.


Part III: 9/11 and Science - Breaking the Taboo

17.25 Presentation of Dr. Piers Robinson: "The Making of the September 11" War on Terror ". How much does mainstream science really know? "

5.45 p.m. Keynote speech/presentation of Dr. Daniele Ganser: „Research on the collapse of WTC7 in Switzerland: Why is it so difficult?"

18.45 Panel discussion and Q&A with speakers. Moderator Jan van Aken

19:30 End of the event. Afterwards, interested participants can meet casually with the speakers for dinner at the nearby restaurant.

The lectures will be held in English.

Biographies of the speakers (in english)

Program (in English)

To the event flyer

Date: September 11, 2019

Location: Volkshaus, Stauffacherstrasse 60, 8004 Zurich

Time: 13:00 till 19:30

Organizer: https://11september.eu/


More links and background information on the topic from the editors:

Architects & Engineers for 911Truth

Swiss side: www.ae911truth.ch

Lawyers Committee for 9-11 Inquiry

Firefighters for 9/11 Truth & Unity

www.mp911truth.org (Medics for 9/11 Truth)

Pilots for 9/11 Truth  






Dr. Daniele Ganser: 9/11 - Investigation by a Swiss Historian

"Pulmonary Fibrosis among World Trade Center Responders" Results from the WTC Health Registry Cohort.

Prof. J. Leroy Hulsey: "A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7."

Videos of the report by Prof. J. Leroy Hulsey: www.ae911truth.org/wtc7

25 major criticisms of NIST's WTC reports.

The Guardian article: "September 11: nearly 10,000 people affected by 'cesspool of cancer'"

Presentation "Health Risks Associated with 9/11 and the WTC Disaster: Lessons Learned."

"AE911Truth File" lawsuit against FBI

Corroborated suspicion of insider trading prior to 9/11

9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public

'Special Security Events from NORAD, at the Pentagon or FEMA at Ground Zero

Details of the several different exercises on September 11 at p. 45 of the book "Secret File 911

Truth Action Project (TAP911)

Complete 911 Timeline



Responses to NIST's FAQs

World Trade Center Environmental Organization

"An Overview of 9/11 Experiences and Respiratory and Mental Health Conditions among World Trade Center Health Registry Enrollees."

"Lung Disease in World Trade Center Responders Exposed to Dust and Smoke: Carbon Nanotubes Found in the Lungs of World Trade Center Patients and Dust Samples."

The Guardian article: "9/11 health crisis: death toll from illness nears number killed on day of attacks"

Overview of costs and expenses of the City of New York

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