Implementation of cyber risk strategy on track

The Federal Council's Cyber Committee recently approved the report on the implementation status of the National Strategy for the Protection of Switzerland against Cyber Risks (NCS 2018-2022). One third of the 247 milestones defined in the implementation plan have already been achieved, the federal government says.

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As the federal competence center, the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) is responsible for the coordinated implementation of the NCS and regularly prepares a report on the implementation status on behalf of the NCS Steering Committee. The just published Report includes the current implementation status One third of the 247 milestones defined in the implementation plan have already been achieved.

Progress in promoting research and training

Implementation of the majority of milestones is scheduled for the second half of the 2018-2022 NCS term and must be implemented by the end of 2022. Delayed on the way are 23 milestones. The responsible agencies have provided the Steering Committee with reasons for the delays and have been able to plausibly demonstrate that the time lag can be made up. Concrete progress has been made in various fields of action. In the promotion of research and training, for example, an important milestone was reached with the opening of the Cyber Defence Campus (CYD Campus) at the two Federal Institutes of Technology ETH and EPFL and in Thun. In the area of law enforcement, coordination in the fight against cybercrime was improved.

Support for SMEs and the population

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are now also part of the NCS target group.

Accordingly, their support in connection with cyber risks is being established and expanded. Together with representatives from the business community, for example, a guide for SMEs has been produced. In addition, the national contact point at the NCSC has been operational since January 1, 2020. It receives reports of cyber incidents from the public and the business community, analyzes them, and forwards them to the responsible bodies. The reporters receive recommendations for further action.

Since the adoption of the NCS 2018-2022, the new organization of the Confederation in the area of cyber risks has also been adopted and implemented by the Federal Council. The Ordinance on Protection against Cyber Risks in the Federal Administration, which has been in force since July 1, 2020, forms the legal basis and regulates cooperation within the federal administration as well as with the cantons, the business community and academia.

Press release federal government


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