Cyber Country Municipality

The fourth "Cyber Landsgemeinde" of the Swiss Security Network (SVS) took place in Bern on April 6, 2016. The approximately 100 representatives from the federal government and all cantons were given an insight into selected projects at federal and cantonal level and were informed about the current implementation status of the "National Strategy for the Protection of Switzerland against Cyber Risks (NCS)".


The goal of the NCS is to reduce cyber risks in Switzerland, which is to be achieved through the cooperation of authorities, industry and operators of critical infrastructures. The Swiss Security Network coordinates the implementation of the strategy at the level of the cantons, the cities and the municipalities with the help of four working groups together with the NCS coordination office, which is located at the federal IT steering body.

The products developed by the four SVS working groups to support the cantons in reducing their cyber risks and increasing their resilience were presented at the "cyber country meeting". All cantonal administrations received documents with processes for handling cyber security incidents, based on the templates of the processes developed by the canton of Vaud. Some of these are already being used in the cantons and are an expression of further progress in networking and cooperation between the cantons.

Last year, the SVS organized a strategic seminar on a scenario involving a cyber attack against Switzerland. The cooperation of the responsible actors in national crisis management in the event of a crisis with a cyber dimension was discussed. The ambiguities and open questions in crisis management that emerged in the process are to be looked at more closely in the context of an upcoming simulation.

The Cybercrime Coordination Unit (CYCO) has described cybercrime phenomena, which the SVS helped to develop. These phenomenon sheets were sent to the cantonal police forces for consultation last year.

In addition to providing information, the event served to promote cooperation and networking between the stakeholders and to collect suggestions from the participants. The next Cyber-Landsgemeinde is scheduled to take place in 2017.

Press release VBS

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