"20 minutes" can be hacked

For optimal security of the news platform of "20 Minuten", the TX Group publicizes its own bug bounty program. The security researchers and hackers receive a reward for the security holes found.

TX Group

20 Minuten has been appearing in a new guise since last spring. In order to ensure optimum security on the new news platform, the TX Group is launching its own bug bounty program to put bounty hunters on its news portal to ensure greater transparency and cyber security. After one year, external security researchers will now also be invited to search for security vulnerabilities on the new platform. Vulnerabilities found are usually rewarded in a bug bounty program.

Ethical hacking in demand

In terms of security, the platform has already been raised to a very high level, TX Group writes in a statement. In addition, 850 hackers and security researchers have already spent a year looking for security vulnerabilities as part of a closed bug bounty program. For this purpose, the Tamedia publishing house has launched a cooperation with Bug Crowd. Now the TX Group is going on the offensive and wants to make the program available to all security researchers and hackers. Andreas Schneider of the TX Group was quoted in a press release as saying that the company is playing a "pioneering role" in cyber security in Switzerland.

As the portal with the widest reach, "20 Minuten" places very high demands on the security and stability of its platform, which is why it relies on the ethical hacking of security forensic experts who deliberately penetrate systems and specifically search for vulnerabilities. "Such programs not only improve our cyber security, but also create trust as well as transparency and thus make an important contribution to the digital transformation of TX Group," explains Schneider.

Source: TX Group

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