EKAS and 20 Minuten Tilllate launch occupational safety campaign

A new occupational safety campaign by the Federal Commission for Occupational Safety (EKAS) and 20 Minuten Tilllate aims to reach young people.

Funny films and a competition are intended to encourage young people to behave more safely. (Screenshot: Be Smart Work Safe)

"Be smart work safe" proclaims the new youth campaign of the Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety (EKAS) on 20 minutes Tilllate. The topic of occupational safety is presented in an original way and in the language of boys, in order to gain relevance among young people starting out on their careers.

Stories - Generation Y has an open ear for that, and that's also what the new campaign by 20 Minuten Tilllate in collaboration with the Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety is all about. The jointly defined stories address the issue of occupational safety among young people starting out on their careers, highlighting the various risks in a playful way and providing tips for so-called "smartworkers".

Topics such as behavior during breaks or using the telephone while at work are addressed in a way that is appropriate for the target group. In addition to traditional advertising media, Tilllate's native advertising concept complements the "Be smart work safe" campaign with new formats. Storytelling is an innovative element at the heart of the six-week campaign.

"Occupational safety for young professionals is an important concern for us," explains Robin Brühlmann, publishing director of 20 Minuten Tilllate. "With the campaign, we want to show young people in their own language where dangers lurk in everyday work and what options they have to protect themselves from them."

The youth channel 20 Minuten Tilllate, which belongs to the Tamedia media group, is number one in the Swiss youth market, with a reach of around 21 percent among 16- to 25-year-olds and over one million unique clients per month. Around 80 percent of users use Tilllate's mobile offering.

Source: 20 Minutes Tilllate

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