Eight survival tips for the pollen season

Pollen allergy sufferers are suffering particularly at the moment. Our tips help to make everyday life a little more bearable.

Definitely not a good idea: sitting in a flower meadow as a pollen allergy sufferer.
Definitely not a good idea: sitting in a flower meadow as a pollen allergy sufferer.

It's that time again - spring is here, and with it, for many, the annoying pollen allergies. Those who know it can hardly be happy about the awakening splendor of blossoms: the nose runs, the eyes itch and every walk in the fresh air becomes a torture. But with a few behavioral measures, the pollen season can be better survived.

Daily pollen forecast

If the pollen load is high, those affected should avoid longer stays in the fresh air. But how can you tell? The Internet helps: Meteo Schweiz gives up www.pollenundallergie.ch daily forecasts for pollen allergy sufferers. If you also know which pollen you are most sensitive to, you can find exact locations for the various types of allergy-causing plants. Bloom start forecasts and Daily overviews.

Avoid swimming pools and smoking

Various influencing factors can intensify hay fever symptoms. These include cigarette smoke, ozone and chlorinated water. Strenuous activities in the fresh air during pollen season are also not a good idea for pollen allergy sufferers.

Avoid roads with heavy traffic

It sounds paradoxical, but allergic reactions to pollen can increase in cities and along busy roads. The explanation: when fine dust particles mix with pollen, their allergen content changes and the effect increases. And, according to the Allergy Center AHA!, Plants even produce more aggressive pollen under environmental stress.


Islands, coastal regions and high mountain areas from about 1500 to 1800 meters above sea level are considered pollen-free or at least low in pollen. Cruises on the high seas are ideal for this. Anyone who can arrange a vacation during the main pollen season should select an appropriate destination.


Daily ventilation is also recommended during the pollen season. However, the ideal time for this is not the same everywhere: In the countryside, particularly high pollen concentrations are registered in the morning between 4 and 6 a.m., and the lowest between 6 p.m. and midnight. The opposite is true in the city, where the concentration is highest in the evening and lowest in the morning between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.

Shower in the evening, change clothes

Pollen settles particularly well in the hair. It is therefore advisable to wash your hair in the evening so as not to carry the allergens into bed. It is best to leave the clothes you have worn outside in the bathroom and not to take them into the bedroom.

Pollen filter for car

Keep windows closed when driving, if possible. Those who use the air conditioning system should have a pollen filter installed.

Dance in the rain

Allergy sufferers may burst into jubilation with impunity when bad weather is forecast: If it rains for more than 15 minutes, the rain flushes the pollen out of the air. Time for a walk outdoors and extensive airing. But be careful: wind stirs up the pollen particularly strongly. So if a thunderstorm is approaching, even more caution is called for.

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