Introduction of a new series of Swiss passports

From October 31, 2022, the new series of Swiss passports with a new design and up-to-date security features will be introduced. 

Swiss passport series
Image: depositphotos

According to the Federal Office of Police, current security standards necessitate a renewal of the Swiss passport series. Since October 31, 2022, people who want to receive the passport with the new design can make an appointment at a passport office or a representation of Switzerland abroad.

The procedure for issuing the passport remains unchanged, as does its issuance. Personalization and dispatch will be carried out by the Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics (FBL) as before. Combination offers comprising a passport and an identity card can still be ordered. All previously issued identity documents will remain valid until the expiration date entered in them.

The new series of Swiss passports includes the ordinary passport, the diplomatic passport, the service passport, the travel passport ("refugee passport") and the passport for foreign persons living in Switzerland.

Source: Fedpol

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