Federal government paints bleak picture of security situation

According to the Federal Intelligence Service, the increased competition among major and regional powers is also leading to intensified prohibited intelligence activities globally.

intelligence activities
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At its meeting on November 9, 2022, the Federal Council approved the annual report on Threat Assessment (NDA) was adopted. Overall, Switzerland's security environment remains "volatile. The detailed report concludes that early detection and anticipation must be further developed.

As already stated in the supplementary report to the Security Policy Report 2021 emergedthe war in Ukraine had further-reaching effects. In particular, international security and defense cooperation in Europe has intensified. The terror threat in Switzerland remains elevated: Attacks by lone perpetrators or small groups with little logistical and organizational effort continue to represent the "most likely terror threat," according to the intelligence service.

Increase in prohibited intelligence activities

The conflict between East and West also led to a worldwide intensification of prohibited intelligence activities. With regard to the threat to critical infrastructures, the report further sums up that digitalization has experienced a further boost due to the measures taken to combat the Covid 19 pandemic, which has now come at the expense of security.

Threats to critical infrastructures therefore did not only emanate from cyber criminals...: Physical attacks are also possible at any time, as a conventional war between industrialized nations is a threat to numerous critical infrastructures and could have a direct impact on Switzerland, as the case of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant has shown. In the report, the Federal Council emphasizes in particular the need to further develop competencies for security policy early detection and anticipation and to perform this task even more comprehensively and systematically in cooperation with various federal agencies.

Source: Bund/Editorial

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