Dangerous goods transport analyzed

The Federal Office of Transport (FOT) has analyzed where transports of dangerous goods on the Swiss rail network can lead to environmental risks. Recently, the rough analysis with the findings was published.

Transport of dangerous goods by rail: Environmental risks analyzed for the first time.
Transport of dangerous goods by rail: Environmental risks analyzed for the first time.

In the case of sections of line with increased risks, the railroads must carry out further clarifications in close cooperation with the authorities, as the FOT writes. Where necessary, they must examine and implement measures to reduce the risk.

Traffic routes on which hazardous goods are transported are subject to the Ordinance on Major Accidents. This prescribes safety measures to protect the population and the environment. While the risks to the population have been recorded for some time, the FOT, in close cooperation with the railroads, has now also systematically assessed the risks to the environment for the first time and documented them in a report. According to the FOT, Switzerland is thus taking on a pioneering role throughout Europe.

The report shows on which sections of the route there are increased risks from the contamination of ground and surface waters. The environmental risks were analyzed on the basis of characteristic water pollutants with different behavior. On the 3652-kilometer standard gauge network, a total of 42 sections of surface water and a total of 10 kilometers of groundwater have been identified for in-depth examination. The railroads will now analyze the affected sections together with the FOT, the Federal Office for the Environment and the cantonal accident management authorities. Where necessary, the implementation of risk-reducing structural or organizational measures will be examined, such as slide valves in the drainage system.

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