Occupational accidents: Young people and men particularly at risk

In 2013, 6% of the workforce were victims of an occupational accident. Around 750,000 people also reported suffering from a work-related health problem.

Employees in agriculture suffer the most occupational accidents of all sectors.
Employees in agriculture suffer the most occupational accidents of all sectors.

How the Federal Office for Statistics reports, around 316,000 people in Switzerland were victims of an occupational accident in 2013. This corresponds to 6% of the working population.

Apprentices continue to be particularly at risk, with around 17% of them suffering an accident at work. Employees under the age of 30 also have more accidents than the average (11%). Men are affected more often than women (8%); the agriculture and construction sectors are five times more affected than banking and insurance. (12% and 11% compared to 2%).

The survey also looked at how many people are affected by work-related health problems. Around 11% of the respondents reported suffering from such problems - not including accidents. In 6 out of 10 cases, these were bone, joint or muscle complaints, and in around 20% psychosocial complaints such as stress, depression or anxiety.

Here, unsurprisingly, older workers were affected significantly more often: 15% of those aged 50 to 64.

The entire publication can be here can be downloaded free of charge.

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