Nez Rouge: Safely through the holidays
Nez Rouge is not just a symbolic, but a very concrete prevention measure to promote road safety. Once again this year, almost 8,000 volunteers are on duty, driving around 26,000 people home safely.
We are heading for the end of the year. The corks are popping, and in some places things are getting lively. We don't want this to end in disaster on the road. Nez Rouge helps. Anyone who is overtired, has had one glass too many or is on drugs should not get behind the wheel. In such cases, it is worth handing over your car keys to one of the Nez Rouge volunteers.
How does Nez Rouge work for users?
- During operating hours, call the toll-free number 0800 802 208 (or the direct dial number of the Region) to be connected to the nearest control center. In this way, those affected are driven home in their own vehicle.
- Nez Rouge draws attention to the fact that it is a non-profit organization. The Nez Rouge service cannot be guaranteed (weather conditions, number of requests / volunteers / vehicles, etc.)
- For operating dates and times and direct dial numbers: here
Nez Rouge also welcomes volunteers who would like to serve as drivers, escorts, etc. with the foundation.
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