This is what we would have to look like to survive accidents

An unusual project: The Australian Road Safety Authority TAC shows with a sculpture how a person would have to be built to survive a car accident unharmed

Bull neck, tough skin and helmet-shaped head: Graham can easily withstand the forces generated by a car accident. (Screenshot TAC)

What would we look like if evolution had optimized us for car crashes? This is the question the Australian Transport Safety Authority explored with the help of a leading accident surgeon, a road safety expert and an Australian artist.

Allow me to introduce Graham: the only person made for traffic accidents.

The result of this collaboration is Graham: a grotesque-looking human-like sculpture, but thoughtful in its details.

The brain, for example, is housed in a much larger skull filled with fluid and ligaments to cushion the vulnerable human organ. The skull is built like a helmet, with crumple zones that can absorb a powerful blow. The face is flat, with the nose, eyes and ears disappearing under fatty tissue for protection.

The ribs are stronger than those of a normal human and give his upper body a barrel-like figure. At the same time, this is padded with airbag-like bags that lie between the ribs and can absorb forces. The internal organs are thus optimally protected.

The skin is thicker and more resistant and can thus withstand broken glass and abrasions.

If Graham could stand up and walk around, we would be surprised at the way he walks: his knees can bend in all directions and are reinforced with additional tendons. Strange also the legs and feet: They resemble hooves and are equipped with additional joints. Thus, he can hop to safety at any time and is also safe from leg and knee injuries.

With this project, the authority wants to draw attention to how vulnerable the human body is. It can withstand the forces it generates itself - for example, when it runs full speed into a wall - but in traffic collisions the forces are stronger and the chances of survival much lower.

Graham, a friendly guy despite his odd-looking appearance, settles on visit and admire from all sides. The experts behind the sculpture also explain in detail the thoughts about his physique.

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