"SmokeFree" film contest: Vote now!

17 short films have made it to the finals of the SmokeFree film competition. Now it's up to the public to choose the winner.

Sad cigarette: With partly emotional, partly humorous ideas, the short films call for people to stop smoking.

The "SmokeFree" campaign of the Federal Office of Public Health and its partners has called for a film competition. From the numerous submissions by film students and freelance artists, the jury has selected 17 finalists.

The directors were not lacking in bold ideas: for example, tobacco is portrayed as a dangerous person with whom a love affair is entered into, as a weapon of a terrorist who threatens the crowd with secondhand smoke, or as a shadow that weighs on the love between a father and his son.

It is not uncommon for the films to make allusions and references: from 1950s crime thrillers to Snow White and Lord of the Rings to cowboys as advertising icons. The quality and creativity of the spots received show that tobacco addiction is on the minds of young directors.

Now the public is invited to vote for the best spot. The public voting is open until June 4 on www.smokefree.ch/film possible.

In addition to the Audience Award In addition to the Audience Award, the jury awards a Promotion Award. The jury members include actor Carlos Leal, director Xavier Koller, National Councilor and doctor Marina Carobbio, advertiser Frank Bodin, as well as Rachel Stauffer Babel from Addiction Switzerland and Adrian Kammer from the FOPH. The winners of the two categories will receive their awards on June 13 in Bern.

Using new communication channels

With the SmokeFree film competition, the FOPH and its partners are using new communication channels. The spots are suitable for distribution on social networks and can reach a younger audience than classic channels such as posters or television - all the more so because the directors illuminate the topic from a new, original angle.
The format of the contest also promotes the sharing of the spots on the different platforms as well as the debate on the harmfulness of tobacco addiction. The involvement and awareness of the public are thus strengthened.
The film competition is part of the SmokeFree campaign, which was developed in close cooperation between NGOs, cantons and the FOPH. The campaign is financed by the Tobacco Prevention Fund, which in turn is fed by the tax of 2.6 centimes per pack of cigarettes.

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