Occupational safety up to date

Digital technologies are changing the world of work and thus also the requirements for effective occupational health and safety. Long-established methods and processes are being modernized and revolutionized by digitization in the shortest possible time.

From October 23 - 25, 2018, the Arbeitsschutz Aktuell trade fair and congress will be hosted in Stuttgart - in the midst of one of the strongest economic regions in Europe. © HINTE Messe- und Ausstellungs-GmbH

The removal of limits on working hours and free time due to constant availability and work intensification are the downside of flexibility and mobility. What business models and solutions can small and medium-sized companies use to successfully master the challenges of occupational health and safety against the backdrop of digitization?

Regional forum at the Arbeitsschutz Aktuell

At the Regional Forum, which will take place from October 23-25, 2018, as part of Arbeitsschutz Aktuell in Stuttgart, representatives of regional companies and experts from business and research will discuss the important issues surrounding up-to-date occupational health and safety in the world of work 4.0 - always focusing on the specific challenges of the region.
Those responsible have a particular focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. "We still see great potential here. So we would like small companies to also carry out a risk assessment and initiate targeted measures according to the analysis. We want to support and strengthen this with the trade fair and regional forum," says Dr. Johannes Warmbrunn, head of the Labor and Health Department at the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics, Labor and Housing. "We have put together a nice program with many important topics, with very good experts dedicated to the main topics from Baden-Württemberg," emphasizes Dr. Johannes Warmbrunn.

Occupational medicine and ergonomics
The regional focus topics include Occupational Medicine and ergonomics. Urban Daub from the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, for example, will address the influence of exoskeletal structures on the musculoskeletal system in his presentation. Dr. Benjamin Steinhilber from the Institute of Occupational Medicine, Social Medicine and Health Services Research explains how vein diseases and musculoskeletal complaints can be prevented by the correct design of standing work. These and other key topics from the field of occupational medicine and ergonomics will be highlighted in the Regional Forum on the morning of the first day of the trade fair (October 23, 2018).

Daycare, schools and care
Occupational health and safety has long since ceased to be an issue for the manufacturing industry alone. At the regional forum, Irene Gölz from Ver.di will address the question of how the drastic shortage of personnel in the nursing sector affects occupational health and safety. Gereon Burster from the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium in Gundelfingen explains how room design can influence the learning ability of students. Jutta Schmid from the Baden-Württemberg Accident Insurance Fund will provide a field report on the recording of mental stress in daycare centers. These and other presentations on occupational health and safety, especially in daycare centers, schools and care facilities, will be offered at the Regional Forum on the morning of October 24.

Occupational health management (OHM) and risk assessment
Valuable best practices from the region will be provided by, among others, Gerd Duffke from Trumpf GmbH & Co. KG and Alexander Volodarski from Hugo Boss AG. They report from their companies. Rolf Satzer from FBU Forschung - Beratung - Umsetzung will present the START method for risk assessment of mental stress. Uwe Marx from VBG Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft explains what is behind the new DIN ISO 45001 "Management systems for safety and health at work". OH&S and risk assessment are the main topics at the regional forum on the afternoon of October 24.

Work 4.0 and digitalization
Experts such as Dr. Martin Braun from the Fraunhofer IAO see work, or rather. Industry 4.0 the fourth industrial revolution and the consistent continuation of the technical trend of the last 20 years. "We all use the Internet, but involve not only people in Internet communication, but increasingly also machines and plants. We expect processes to become more networked, more flexible and have to ask the question about the division of functions between humans and machines, which directly raises the issue of occupational health and safety," says the expert.

Date: October 23 - 25, 2018
Location: Messe Stuttgart, Hall 1, East Entrance, Messepiazza 1, D-70629 Stuttgart, Germany
Opening hours: daily 9:00 - 17:00


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