Noise stop made easy

Noise in the workplace is still a major problem for the health of employees in many industries. In many cases, noise-reducing materials and equipment help to reduce noise exposure below the limit that is harmful to hearing. The Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA) has therefore compiled a comprehensive list of sources of low-noise tools, materials, components and equipment for noise reduction in a web application.

IFA web app provides information on noise-reducing products

In Germany, about four to five million employees are exposed to hearing impairments. Noise exposed at work. This does not remain without consequences: Well over 6500 new cases of noise-induced hearing loss are still recognized as occupational diseases every year. Noise thus remains an important issue in many industries - from construction to the food industry - in the Occupational safety and health.

"If, during the legally required risk assessment, the company identifies health-critical noise exposure at the workplace, measures are required to remedy the situation," says Dr. Florian Schelle, Head of the Noise Department at the IFA. Technical protection measures are at the top of the list. These include noise-reducing tools and equipment, but also absorption material or construction elements such as sound-insulating doors and soundproof booths.

Schelle: "The range of products is considerable. However, many companies do not know what is available or where to get it. We have therefore developed a simple Web app designed, which leads to the address and website of individual manufacturers with just a few mouse clicks."

The directory does not represent a valuation of the listed offers and does not claim to be complete. Companies that manufacture or supply corresponding products can have themselves listed free of charge at any time.

To the free web app

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