When even the strongest coffee is of no use: It could be sleep apnea

In Roland Hasselmann's case, breathing pauses during sleep meant that he could hardly keep awake during the day. Thanks to the care provided by the Lung League, the 60-year-old feels fit again despite sleep apnea.

Sufferers are constantly tired and often feel the urge to lie down.
© Depositphotos/evgenyataman

"I was often so tired that I would have preferred to fall straight back into bed in the morning and dozed off again and again briefly during the day," says Roland Hasselmann (60). The teacher from the Bernese Oberland had long suffered from excessive daytime sleepiness and heavy snoring at night: "The examination by a lung specialist showed that my breathing stopped several times an hour during sleep. I received the diagnosis Sleep apnea."

Fatigue due to breathing pauses

The short or long nighttime breathing pauses that prevent a restful Sleep often go unnoticed by those affected. However, the consequences are easily noticeable in everyday life: those affected are constantly tired and often feel the urge to lie down. Exhaustion, concentration problems and reduced performance are further symptoms. In addition, without treatment, the long-term risk of high blood pressure, a heart attack, diabetes and accidents at work or on the road increases due to microsleep.

Online test gives first clues

In a study published in 2017 based on data analysis of the Lung League's online risk test, 6,634 test participants reported having been involved in an accident due to their sleepiness. "The online risk test is a simple questionnaire and an effective measure for early detection of sleep apnea. If sleep apnea is detected early and treated properly, sleep apnea sufferers can regain healthy sleep and their quality of life," emphasizes Philippe Giroud, Head of Integrated Counseling at the Swiss Lung League.

To mark World Sleep Day on March 15, the Lung League is raising awareness of sleep apnea for a month. With the free online test of the Lung League, a sleep apnea risk can be checked in five minutes. The test evaluation indicates whether medical clarification is recommended.

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