Summer vacation = sunburn?

The summer months have finally arrived. Many Swiss people are traveling to the seaside. What many do not know: In southern regions, UV radiation is stronger than what we are used to in the Swiss midlands. This increases the risk of sunburn and thus also the risk of skin cancer.

In southern countries and in the mountains, UV exposure is stronger than in the Swiss midlands.

In southern countries and in the mountains, the UV exposure stronger than in the Swiss midlands. However, the intensity of UV radiation also varies seasonally. It reaches its peak during the months of May to August. Certain surfaces, such as water, reflect the rays and intensify their strength. Both the UVA and UVB radiation can damage the genetic material (DNA) in our cells and Skin cancer cause. Black skin cancer, also called melanoma, is particularly dangerous. In Switzerland, around 2700 people contract black skin cancer every year, and around 330 die from it. Therefore, it is essential to apply sunscreen when going to the beach or swimming in the sea.

Do as the locals do - treat yourself to a siesta
It's common practice in southern European countries - the siesta. A rest in the shade during midday (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) makes particular sense from the point of view of sun protection, because it is during this time that almost two-thirds of the daily UV radiation hits the earth's surface. Those who take a trip despite the midday heat should definitely protect themselves with textiles, a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.

This is what the Cancer League offers for sun protection
So that the summer vacations do not become Sunburn time various brochures and fact sheets published by the Cancer League provide detailed information on sun protection and skin cancer.

More info

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