Corona safe delegates meeting of Suissepro

It is obvious: The umbrella organization of the societies for safety and health at work, Suissepro for short, recently held its delegates' meeting as a conference call. Among other things, those present decided on the theme of the "Journée suissepro 2022" symposium.

It also works like this - delegates' meeting as a telephone conference. Photo: R. Strässle

Even in times of pandemic, organizations and associations must continue to function as well as possible. The holding of a general or delegates' meeting (DM) is now part of the duty. Accordingly, the umbrella organization Suissepro held its annual DV on April 2 as a conference call. The agenda of the 31st Assembly of Delegates was completed relatively quickly this time: Both the DV minutes, the Suissepro annual report, the auditors' report and the annual accounts 2019 as well as the budget 2020 with determination of the central contributions were approved unanimously by the delegates; the actions of the Presidents' Conference were also ratified. The delegates also approved the annual report 2019 of the Limit Value Commission.

Limit value commission: replacement election not unanimous

This year, age-related resignations of the Suissepro Limit Value Commission are pending: Claudia Pletscher (Suva), Christian-Thomas Monn (Seco), Jean Parrat (occupational hygienist canton Jura) and Walter Spieler (Hoffmann-La Roche). The search for suitable candidates is currently underway and they will be put forward for election at the AGM in 2021.

The Limit Value Commission has proposed Patrick Steinle from Suva as the successor to Alois Gutzwiller, who left the commission in 2018. In its annual report, the commission writes that he has the expertise in workplace measurements that is needed in this case. This proposal was questioned at the DM by Fabia Schläppi, president of the Swiss Society for Occupational Hygiene (SGAH). She is of the opinion that the commission should be composed in a balanced way. In the end, the delegates elected Patrick Steinle with one vote against.

Suissepro president remains for another two years

The aim of Suissepro is to foster the interdisciplinary exchange of experience and knowledge between specialists in safety, occupational hygiene, ergonomics and health protection at the workplace. The umbrella organization is headed by Bruno Albrecht, who does not always have an easy task, as individual delegates noted; he deserves a wreath for his prudent leadership.

The president wanted to resign at this delegates' meeting. But the search for a suitable successor was unsuccessful. Bruno Albrecht therefore agreed to add another two years of office, which was unanimously welcomed by the delegates.

Secretary Ludwig Binkert, treasurer Christophe Iseli and the auditors Herbert Manser and Pierre-André Girardin were also confirmed without any dissenting votes.

Planned symposium - interdisciplinarity

The launch of a symposium requires a certain lead time. And so those present approved the conference "Journée suissepro 2022" with a deficit guarantee of 10,000 francs.

Fabia Schläppi, SGAH, suggested interdisciplinarity as the overarching theme for the planned symposium. A suggestion that met with great approval. According to one delegate, it was a topic that took full account of the umbrella organization's raison d'être.

Anyone who would like to be part of the organizing committee for the 2022 symposium can contact Bruno Albrecht ( or Ludwig Binkert ( report.

The next Suissepro Delegates Assembly will be held on March 25, 2021. (rs)


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