Coronavirus: What measures now apply in Switzerland

The Corona epidemic remains tense. The Federal Council discussed on Wednesday the further procedure against the spread of the corona virus. The protective measures are to be extended by five weeks until further notice. From January 9, the affected farms throughout Switzerland will remain closed.


The Federal Council made new decisions on the Corona pandemic at an extraordinary meeting on January 6, 2021. The most important decisions: The hospitality, cultural and recreational facilities will remain closed for another five weeks. At the same time, there will be no more canton tourism in the shopping and dining area. The Covid-19 ordinance will be amended accordingly and will come into force on January 9. From then on, restaurants, cultural, sports and leisure businesses will have to be closed throughout Switzerland from January 9.

A renewed increase in the number of cases after the holidays cannot be ruled out, as the Federal Council writes. In addition, new virus mutations also contribute to an uncertain initial situation. The epidemiological situation therefore remains tense: "The number of infections, hospitalizations and deaths, as well as the burden on health personnel, is still very high," it said yesterday at the press conference.

The entire press conference from January 6, 2021 in video review: 

Further measures not excluded

After a final consultation of the cantons at its meeting on January 13, a final decision is to be taken on the extension and its duration. Further measures to cushion the economic consequences are also to be decided on January 13.

Further tightening measures, which the Federal Council is already proposing to the cantons on a consultative basis, cannot be ruled out: Under discussion are, among other things, an obligation to home office, the closure of more stores, the restriction of crowds and private events, as well as the increased protection of particularly vulnerable persons and more extensive measures in the workplace. The cantons are also likely to discuss what measures could be taken in compulsory schools.

Source: The Federal Council

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