Record for photovoltaics
Last year, there was a record expansion of photovoltaic systems in Switzerland. But four times as much is needed, says Swissolar.

Compared to the previous year, the growth had been at least 30 percent, according to Swissolar, the professional association of solar energy, communicates. The official figures will not be available until July. According to the association, the shorter waiting period for the one-time payment is mainly responsible for the increase. Added to this is the climate crisis, which will become more central in 2019, as well as more time and free capital for construction projects in 2020 due to the pandemic, and a greater desire for self-sufficiency.
However, in order to promote Switzerland's climate and energy policy goals, the expansion must be increased by a factor of 4 in the next few years, according to Swissolar. Political measures are therefore needed. Among other things, the solar energy association is calling for greater promotion of systems without self-consumption, for example on the roofs of barns or warehouses. Obstacles to the construction of ground-mounted systems should also be removed.
Source: LID