Positive annual result of the military insurance
The pandemic also resulted in a small number of services for the military insurance and had a positive overall impact on the number of cases and costs. This is the balance sheet of Suva, which has managed the federal military insurance as an independent social insurance since 2005.

Military insurance, which is managed by Suva as an independent social insurance company, achieved a good result in the 2020 financial year in terms of both insurance services and administrative costs. A total of 173.5 million Swiss francs in insurance benefits were paid out, a decrease of 2.4 percent compared with the previous year's figure of 177.7 million Swiss francs.
Sports accidents most common
The Swiss Armed Forces performed around 350,000 service days in 2020 in connection with the Corona pandemic. Despite this, the number of service days performed had fallen by five percent in the previous year. Musculoskeletal disorders continued to be the most frequently reported, accounting for more than 20 percent. Among accidental injuries, facial fractures, mainly dental fractures, accounted for 13 percent of all cases.
Sprains, strains, torn ligaments or tendons in the knee area were also very significant. Sports accidents accounted for almost 24 percent of all accidents in 2020.
Source: Suva