The winners of the Innovation Award
Innovationen der Sicherheitstechnik zeichnet die Messe Essen alle zwei Jahre mit dem Innovation Award aus. Der Preis wird in den Kategorien Technik & Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Brandschutz verliehen.

This year, exhibitors at Security Essen submitted 84 entries. Under the direction of Jens Washausen, member of the board of the Federal Association of Independent German Security Consultants and Engineers (BdSI), the expert jury evaluated the submissions in terms of innovative content, unique selling proposition and user benefits. The winners were awarded on the first day of the Security Essen trade fair.
Winner in the category Technology & Products
Gold Award goes to Hutchinson GmbH: The vehicle light protection kit is a comprehensive, retrofittable protection concept for vehicles. Depending on the operational requirements and hazard scenarios, the user can equip new vehicles or vehicles already in service with it. The new development is based on a fire-retardant and extremely insulating vehicle coating that significantly improves the survivability of the vehicle crew. Emergency vehicles are significantly hardened in terms of their protective properties. The Hutchinson product thus closes the gap between unprotected and armored or specially protected vehicles.
Silver Award to Novatec Sicherheit & Logistik GmbH: Fences and gates equipped with sensors and cable-based detection systems have also been award winners at this show in the past. The PerimeterLocator from Novatec is the first to use RFID acceleration sensors for wireless electronic monitoring of any fence and gate system. It is attached to fences, eliminating the need for costly cabling and earthworks. The range of applications for this product is naturally much wider. It can be used equally well for non-contact recording of guard patrols or for monitoring movables such as containers and vehicles.
Bronze Award to Master Lock Europe SAS: Padlocks already have a long history. What could be more innovative than that, you might ask? And yet Master Lock's Smart Padlock is now being honored because, in combination with a smart phone as the key, it sets new standards in ergonomics and functional possibilities. For example, users can allow other people to open the lock for a limited period of time or track past lockings using a smart phone.
Winner in the services category
Gold Award to VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH: The Gold Award winner tackles the top issue in enterprise security: Cyber-Security. VdS experts call it the fire protection of the 21st century. VdS Cyber-Security makes a very complex topic tangible and manageable for small and medium-sized enterprises. The Quick Check platform, which is available online and free of charge, gives every manager the opportunity to get an overview of the hazards, risks and options for action in 20 minutes. The overall process aims to break down the complexity of cyber security and implement effective protection concepts with an economic sense of proportion.
Silver Award to DFBI Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fern- und Onlinebildung mbH: The DFBI's needs-oriented distance learning courses are a service product that stands out for its great flexibility and cost-effectiveness. The ability to have employee-specific training and development content available anytime and anywhere saves security service providers downtime and travel costs, and incidentally boosts motivation to learn. Whether using the app on a smartphone, on the road with a tablet, or on a PC at home, employees are prepared for their exams in a targeted manner with their individual learning program.
Bronze Award to Bite AG: The software Disponic of Bite AG provides important functionalities for the duty scheduling and administration of security service providers and will lead to many work simplifications. Duty scheduling, vacation requests, invoicing and employee information are networked here in an innovative way. For example, it provides support in independently assigning regional and customer rates to employees' duty stations and times.
Fire protection category
Gold Award to Fraunhofer IMS Duisburg and Multicomsystem: With its TempTag, the project consortium of Fraunhofer Institut Duisburg and Multicomsystem is tackling an important fire protection issue: early fire detection. In the solution honored here, an RFID transponder is married to a temperature sensor, enabling early detection of critical temperature rises through continuous monitoring in electrical systems, as well as alarm transmission to a constantly manned location. The alarm is triggered far in advance of smoke formation and before a cable fire. This saves a lot of time for initiating measures to protect human life and property.
Silver Award to Minimax GmbH & Co. KG: The VN inert gas nozzle from Minimax shows how engineering knowledge can lead to very practical simplifications and savings. Until now, type RD extinguishing nozzles with the exact bore could often only be ordered and installed after the extinguishing pipe assembly had been completed. This not infrequently led to delays in commissioning and more work. The VN nozzle, which has now been patented and approved by VdS, has a modular design and can be equipped with various top parts. Necessary adjustments to the orifice can now be made quickly and with significantly reduced effort.
Bronze Award to Air Inspector GmbH: So-called drones can be found in many areas of life. The Air Inspector is a patented testing device for fire detectors mounted at heights greater than six meters. It consists of a multicopter optimized for flying in indoor areas, for example production halls and warehouses, a testing device and a remote control. For installers and maintenance personnel, this reduces set-up times and the effort required to clear areas. An innovative and practical solution that is also fun to work with.