Early diagnosis "corneal disease" wins
HSLU graduate Benjamin Fassbind wins the Siemens Excellence Award 2023, an audience award, for his solution for the early diagnosis of the corneal disease keratoconus. The jury prize goes to the two OST graduates Florian Baumgartner and Thierry Schwaller for their audio beamformer.

For the first time in the history of the national Siemens Excellence Awards, an audience award was presented in addition to the traditional jury prize: Several thousand people voted for their favorite project, Siemens writes in its announcement. The winner was Lucerne University graduate Benjamin Fassbind (more here). His project deals with the automatic detection of keratoconus in the early stage. Early detection allows stabilization of the cornea with little effort, while in the later stage only corneal transplantation can restore visual acuity, according to the media release. The result is a top-class paper as well as a user-friendly web app for ophthalmologists to automatically analyze eye scans, it said.
Jury prize goes to two diploma students
The jury prize was won by the two diploma students Florian Baumgartner and Thierry Schwaller from the OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule Rapperswil in an exciting and close race (more here). The audio beamformer developed by the two is particularly impressive with its exceptionally long range of up to 50 meters and has the potential to be further developed into a commercial product.
The prize money of 10,000 Swiss francs will be divided fairly between the two projects, according to the press release.
The Excellence Award is part of the "Generation21" education program, with which Siemens seeks dialog with young people and promotes young talent in the fields of science and technology. "With this commitment, we accompany young people in their development and education and support them in seizing their future opportunities," said Gerd Scheller, CEO of Siemens Switzerland. (pd)