Working together against attacks on ATMs

The number of attacks on ATMs in Switzerland is higher than ever before: 56 attacks were perpetrated in 2022. The trend is upward. The perpetrators also endanger uninvolved third parties. In addition to law enforcement, prevention is indispensable for combating the attacks. For this reason, a meeting was held with industry representatives under the leadership of fedpol.

Depositphotos, Geribody

Switzerland is increasingly becoming the focus of attacks on ATMs. With its geographical and economic location, the country is an attractive target for organized networks behind the attacks, as the Federal Office of Police (fedpol) points out. Since 2018, the number of attacks on ATMs would increase. The perpetrators increasingly used explosives and would thereby endanger the life and limb of uninvolved third parties.

Players united

National and international cooperation as well as repressive measures are essential for effectively combating ATM blasts, fedpol said. However, additional preventive measures and close cooperation between public and private actors are needed to make Switzerland unattractive to ATM attackers. For this reason, fedpol recently held a strategic meeting with representatives of the following organizations:

  • Euronet Services Switzerland GmbH
  • Raiffeisen Switzerland
  • Swiss Bankers Association
  • Swiss Federal Railways
  • Swiss Insurance Association
  • SIX Group Services Ltd

The participants at the meeting agreed that the development of the situation in Switzerland was worrying and that preventive measures were necessary - especially to protect uninvolved third parties, but also to maintain the cash supply. Cooperation, the discussion of measures and the exchange of experiences between non-police players from the industry and the police forces are to be continued at expert meetings in the future, fedpol concludes.

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