Why blood reserves dwindle in summer

Blood donations are particularly important in the summer: as many people travel during the vacation season, blood supplies in Switzerland sometimes run low. On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day on June 14, the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and Swiss Transfusion SRC invite everyone to donate blood during the summer.

Blood donations are especially important in the summer.

Blood supplies reach their lowest point in the summer, as the number of potential donors drops because many go on vacation. The supply is also hampered by the fact that vacationers often cannot donate blood again until a waiting period has elapsed after their return.

This measure is intended to ensure that those willing to donate do not carry any infections that would be transmitted during a blood transfusion. This affects vacation destinations that are very popular with Swiss people: Those returning home from Italy, Spain, Greece or Thailand, for example, cannot donate blood immediately.

Where and when can blood be donated?

To ensure that the blood reserves are sufficient in the summer, it is therefore desirable that more people participate in a blood donation campaign. To find out where and when there are opportunities to donate blood in your own region, you can visit the website www.blutspende.ch/termine or download the mobile app at www.blutspende.ch/apphttp://www.blutspende.ch/app.

Vital resource
Blood is a valuable resource for both planned treatments and emergency interventions. It can help prolong the lives of patients with terminal illnesses and improve their quality of life. It is also used in complex medical and surgical procedures. Blood also plays an essential role in the care of women in childbirth and newborns.

Source: BAG

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