FMH Quality Award: pioneering projects wanted

In 2024, the Swiss Academy for Quality in Medicine (SAQM) will again award outstanding quality projects with the Innovation Qualité. Healthcare professionals from all over Switzerland can submit their successful and practice-proven projects.

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Mother-tongue childbirth preparation course, app-based early detection of cancer symptoms, electronic monitoring of adverse drug reactions, etc. - just a few examples of previous winning projects of the "Innovation Qualité"show: Pioneering works that improve the care of patients exist in all specialties of the health care system, as the FMH writes in its communication. To publicize such quality projects and encourage their imitation and further development, the Swiss Academy for Quality in Medicine (SAQM) of the FMH awards its Quality Prize every two years. Tried and tested quality projects can be submitted for evaluation by independent experts until December 4.

Digital innovation, patient safety and physician quality initiatives.

In order to always reflect and promote current quality efforts, a new thematic focus is chosen for each issue of Innovation Qualité. In 2024, the focus will be on digital innovation and thus on quality projects that contribute to the well-being of patients with the help of new digital technologies.

According to information, this first prize category is endowed with 15,000 Swiss francs. The same prize sum also beckons in the second prize category on the topic of "Patient safety and prevention of avoidable adverse events." And if a quality project worthy of a prize fits neither the first nor the second prize category, those responsible should apply for the jury's special prize of 10,000 Swiss francs, as the FMH emphasizes. This third prize category is reserved for physicians, while the other two categories are open to professionals from all healthcare professions and disciplines.

The Innovation Qualité will be awarded during the SAQM Symposium on May 24, 2024 in Bern.

Innovative projects can be registered here.

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