Security authorities call for backups

Regularly backing up data is very important and contributes significantly to cybersecurity. If you have a backup of your data, you are on the safe side in case of encryption and extortion by cyber criminals or in case of a device loss.

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Whether private individuals or SMEs - when important data is lost, many only realize how important data backups are. But then it is unfortunately too late. That is why the Awareness campaign the current focus on the "S" for "back up." Backups not only protect data from loss due to defective devices or theft, they are also an important backstop in the event of cyberattacks and extortion attempts, as emphasized by the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC), Swiss Crime Prevention (SKP) and the cantonal and municipal police corps launching the campaign. Those who can fall back on their secured data are less vulnerable to blackmail by cybercriminals in the event of data encryption. Data backups are therefore an important step toward greater cybersecurity, they said. The backups should also be kept separate from the network and stored securely so that attackers cannot additionally encrypt the backups, according to the advice. Data backups should be done regularly and incorporated into everyday life. This applies to companies, organizations as well as private individuals. Below are a few important backup tips:

  • Back up your data regularly to an external hard drive or cloud.
  • Make multiple backups (for example, one on an external hard drive and another in the cloud).
  • Check if the data is included in the backup and you can restore it.
  • Connect an external hard disk only when in use and not permanently so that any malware cannot be transferred.

More information is available for interested parties on the campaign website Learning videos convey the most important information. The campaign will run until September 30, 2023.

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