Interest in shelters increases

Due to the armed conflict in Ukraine, the interest of the population in shelters has strongly increased, as the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP) writes. It has therefore published a brochure aimed at the general public and, in particular, the owners of shelters.

© BABS brochure

The new FOCP brochure "The Shelter" provides an overview of shelters, which according to the Federal Office are an important element of the Swiss security system.

Preparation not required

However, the preparation of the shelters, i.e. the clearing out and setting up, is carried out only on the orders of the authorities, as the FOCP writes. With regard to the current situation in Ukraine, preparation for the stay in shelters is not necessary. The cantons are responsible for organizing and updating the allocation planning, it said. However, a public announcement of the allocation will only be made if the security situation requires it.

The authorities would continuously monitor and assess the development of the security situation. If there were indications of an armed conflict abroad or in Switzerland, the local authorities would allocate the shelters to the population as a precaution. Shelters must be able to be made operational and ready for use within five days, the FOCP stresses.

Civil defense could support the population in obtaining and staying in shelters. However, the population and in particular the owners of shelters would bear a certain personal and joint responsibility. The focus is on helping people to help themselves, which is supported by the new brochure.

The electronic version of the brochure can be flipped through like a printed booklet and is provided with animations. 

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