Zuko standard: end users fight back

The call for standards is getting louder and louder. What has become established for cell phone network plugs should also become reality for offline access control.

The iGOS: back row: Ralf Weidmann, Hugo Straumann, Marcel Keller, Rebecca Galli; front row: Urban Meier, Sergio Blaser, Max Haller, Bruno Boner, Fabian Lange, Guido Bolliger

In the increasingly flexible world of work, buildings quickly change users. The user's existing access control system must also be able to handle these changes quickly or be compatible with the components already installed at the new location. In addition, corporations are beginning to introduce uniform standards at all their sites.

Companies subject to public procurement law may have to retender locking and access control systems for each construction project. This increases the number of different products and programming philosophies within a single area of responsibility. For all these reasons, the focus is on one need of the key or badge holder: the desire to be able to open as many doors as possible with a single medium.

For online access control systems (standard access), a vendor-neutral standard has long been established on RFID media. Something comparable in the area of offline access management has been lacking up to now.

End users fight back

The dissatisfaction has become apparent among many end users in recent years. More and more security managers want a segmentation that is compatible with the badge readers of as many manufacturers as possible. There have been several efforts to develop such a standard. Now, an interest group of end users has been formed to develop the Open Security StandardOSS for short, is favored and wants to drive it forward.

Meeting planned

The stakeholder group of end users, the iGOS, will hold the "OSS works" event on October 26 and 27, 2016, at the Brugg-Windisch campus of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland. The event is intended to provide an optimal platform for all participants to exchange ideas, discuss upcoming projects and identify potential. Since the focus is on the OSS standard, only manufacturers who already offer corresponding products or can at least present a concrete development plan with a planned market launch will be present. Source: "Interessengemeinschaft Offline Standard iGOS".

A detailed article on the subject of the OSS standard will be published in the September issue of the trade journal SafetyForum appear.

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