Brainweek 2018 - Week of the Brain

From March 12 to 18, Fragile Suisse and its regional associations are participating in the International Brain Week (Brainweek 2018). Every year, around 22,000 people in Switzerland suffer a brain injury. At Brainweek 2018, you can learn a lot of interesting facts about our brain.

Changes in the brain due to stress and social behavior or gut-brain interactions - these are some of the topics of this year's international "Week of the Brain" at the University of Basel. © Depositphotos/abidal

Current answers to questions about the brain: True or false?

Humans use only 10 percent of their brain capacity.
That is a myth. But it's true that we don't always need the whole brain; certain regions switch on only during certain activities, so to speak.

The brain consists of millions of neurons.
There are not only millions, but about 100 billion Neurons. If they were strung together, they would reach the moon.

The three most common types of Brain Injuries are strokes, traumatic brain injury and brain tumors.
Every year in Switzerland, around 16,000 people suffer a stroke, also known as a cerebral apoplexy, and 3,000 to 5,000 people suffer a traumatic brain injury. Around 600 people suffer from a Brain tumor.

The consequences of a brain injury depend on its severity and which region of the brain is affected.
Broca's area in the left hemisphere of the brain contains several areas of the speech center. This is where the production of speech is controlled. If the area is damaged, the affected person has difficulty expressing themselves, they do not find the right words or mix up their order.

With the Smoking quitting reduces the risk of stroke.
Non-smokers have a 20 percent lower Stroke risk. After three to five smoke-free years, the risk is the same for ex-smokers and non-smokers.

When someone has a stroke, you don't notice it.
A hemiplegia or muscle weakness in the face, arm or leg, visual or speech disorders, such as difficulty finding words, are symptoms of a stroke. It is then important to call the ambulance immediately on 144.

It is not possible to regain the abilities lost due to a stroke.
With the right therapies, people with brain injury can regain many abilities that seemed lost. This is the field of activity of rehabilitation and neurorehabilitation.

The association

The Swiss association Fragile Suisse and its 11 regional associations support people with a brain injury, relatives and professionals throughout Switzerland. Services include counseling, assisted living, course and continuing education offerings, self-help groups and meeting places. In public, in institutions and in politics, the non-profit organization also advocates for the interests of affected persons and their relatives.

Present with a booth at BrainFair Zurich

Fragile Suisse will be present from Monday, March 12 to Saturday, March 17, 2018 (excluding Tuesday, March 13, 2018) from 18:30 to 20:30, Sat: 11:00 to 14:00 at the BrainFair Zurich at the University Hospital Zurich (large lecture hall North I) at Frauenklinikstrasse 10.

Text: Fragile Suisse

Website of the BrainFair Zurich
Website of Brainweek Basel
Website of Brainweek Bern
Website of the Cantonal Hospital Aargau

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