Youth violence declines again

In 2015, the number of juveniles reported to the Juvenile Prosecution Offices of the Canton of Zurich for a violent offense decreased by 14%. A slight increase of 3% was recorded in the total number of all referrals.

Statistics show a declining picture for violent crimes committed by juveniles.

In 2015, the youth prosecution offices of the Canton of Zurich opened criminal proceedings against 4,674 juveniles. This means that the total number of cases received was 3.2% higher than in the previous year, when 4,530 juveniles were reported. In contrast, there has been a massive decline in juvenile violence. While a total of 1,151 juveniles were accused of a violent crime in 2009, 499 juveniles still had to answer to a juvenile prosecutor's office in 2015. This means that the number of juveniles charged with a violent crime fell again by 13.8% compared to the previous year.

Fewer convictions for offenses against life and limb
In 2015, the juvenile prosecutors issued a total of 3,697 (previous year: 4,108) penalty orders, and charges were filed with the juvenile courts in 41 (44) cases. 3,665 (4,185) punishments were handed down, including 1,994 (2,361) reprimands, 937 (1,002) personal services, 546 (575) fines and 118 (112) deprivations of liberty. In 40 (25) cases, punishment was waived, and in the case of 21 (13) convicted offenders, the juvenile prosecutors' offices and courts ordered 30 (21) adult sentences. Broken down by offense groups, property offenses accounted for the largest share at 35.4% (32.3%). A small increase from 17.6 to 19.2% can be noted in the case of offences against the Narcotics Act, while offences against life and limb such as bodily injury, assault and scuffle decreased from 3.7 to 2.3%. 8.6% (7.5%) of all offenses were against liberty (threats, coercion, trespass), 3.3% (1.1%) against sexual integrity. In terms of convictions, the proportion of female juveniles was 23.8% in 2015, slightly lower than the previous year (25.5%). The proportion of foreigners was 33.9% (30.5%).

Decrease in protective measures
The decline in youth violence also had an impact on protective measures. A significant decrease can be reported for both inpatient (placement in reformatories) 16 (18) and outpatient measures (supervision, personal care or outpatient treatment) 91 (97). On the cut-off date of December 31, 2015, 50 (47) juveniles were in an inpatient measure and 213 (253) in an outpatient measure. The decline in interventions was also reflected in the financial expenditure for protective measures, which again fell by almost 7% and still amounted to 19.2 million (20.6) in 2015. This means that the costs for protective measures are 36% lower than in the record year 2009, when a total of 30.0 million had to be spent on protective measures.

Source: Canton of Zurich, Directorate of Justice and Home Affairs, Office of the Chief Juvenile Prosecutor

A slight increase of 3% can be reported in the total number of all referrals.
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