NGN has dramatic effects

The introduction of the "Next Generation Network", or NGN for short, will have a dramatic impact on established techniques for transmitting hazard alerts, warns the BHE Bundesverband Sicherheitstechnik.

Photo: Lukas Lehmann

With the network technology "Next Generation Network" (NGN) can be used according to BHE the existing analog and ISDN transmission devices can no longer be used, for example, for fire alarms to the fire department, burglary alarms to the police and/or security companies, or fault alarms to the maintenance provider. Installers, manufacturers and operators must therefore adapt to these changes immediately and take appropriate measures, as the Federal Association emphasizes in its statement.

In the course of this restructuring, previously separate services such as telephony, data services and leased lines would gradually be transferred to the IP-based network. The previous services would be "discontinued" over the next few years (i.e., the offering and service would be scaled back) and completely discontinued after a transition period. By merging the previously separate infrastructures, network operators will only have to ensure operation, resource provisioning and support for a common IP network, according to the BHE announcement.

The BHE expert committee for transmission and network technology (FA-ÜNT) had dealt with this topic in detail and had published a report under compiled all relevant information. The paper "Introduction of the NGN brings drastic changes for alarm transmission", for example, summarizes the planned changes and announced transition periods and presents possible solution scenarios for the affected market participants, the BHE writes in conclusion.

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