Pre tanning does nothing
There is no such thing as a healthy sun tan. With a tan, the skin tries to protect itself from UV rays. The Cancer League therefore strongly advises against pre-tanning in solariums and in nature.

Sun-tanned skin is no longer considered as attractive and healthy as it was just a few years ago. The beauty ideal is changing, and rightly so, because there is no such thing as a healthy sun tan. A skin that tans resists. Under the influence of the short-wave and energy-rich UVB rays, the pigment cells produce the pigment melanin, which causes the skin to turn brown. In this way, the skin tries to protect itself from the UV rays. The longer-wave UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin and damage the connective tissue. The skin loses elasticity. The result is wrinkles, age spots and premature aging of the skin. Pre-tanning is not a suitable way to arm yourself against the summer sun.
Solariums increase the risk of cancer
The Cancer League strongly advises against visiting a solarium: pre-tanning is useless. The World Health Organization (WHO) has placed solariums in the top category of cancer risks. UV rays are the main cause of skin damage and the development of skin cancer. Every year, around 2700 people in Switzerland contract black skin cancer; around 320 people die. If detected early, there is a good chance of successful treatment.
How to effectively protect yourself in the spring
To protect yourself from too much UV radiation, the Cancer League recommends for the months of March and April: Do not go out in the blazing sun over midday and apply sunscreen to uncovered skin areas between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.. A sunscreen should protect against both UVA and UVB rays. It should therefore have the UVA signet (UVA in a circle) and a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 for adults and at least 30 for children. Caution: Sunscreen is not a free pass for an unlimited stay in the sun.
Source: Swiss Cancer League
see also article on the topic Sunburn