CH: Know-how for Mali and Ukraine

Switzerland and the EU have signed two agreements for Switzerland's participation in the EU Civilian Mission for Security Sector Reform in Mali (EUCAP Sahel Mali) and in the EU Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform in Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine). These agreements form the basis for the secondment of Swiss civilian experts to these missions.

With these deployments, Switzerland is building on its existing commitment to promoting peace, democracy and the rule of law in the Sahel region and Ukraine. It is contributing to European support for the states concerned to reform their civil security sector. The reform efforts aim to strengthen the accountability of the authorities over the civil security services and to improve public confidence in the same. The two civilian missions in Mali and Ukraine were launched in the framework of the EU's Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP).

EUCAP Sahel Mali was launched by the EU at the request of the Republic of Mali in spring 2014 as a civilian training and support mission for internal security forces (police, gendarmerie, national guard). The mission is to be complemented by other activities in the areas of border management, migration and the fight against related crime. The contribution to the EU's efforts to improve the security situation in the Sahel is in line with Switzerland's long-standing peace and development policy commitment in Mali.

EUAM Ukraine was decided by the Council of the EU in summer 2014 in response to a request from the Ukrainian government. The mission is based in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, and supports the relevant Ukrainian authorities in developing new security strategies and implementing comprehensive reform efforts in the area of policing and law enforcement and judicial authorities. Anti-corruption, respect for human rights and gender equality issues guide all activities of the Advisory Mission. The activities of EUAM Ukraine are carried out in cooperation with the OSCE. The secondment of a civilian expert completes the Swiss engagement in Ukraine, which will remain significant beyond the Swiss OSCE Chairmanship of 2014.

The deployment of civilian experts in international missions within the framework of Switzerland's peace, human rights and humanitarian policy has a long tradition. They are active, for example, as police advisors or specialists in constitutional, customs and border protection issues, mediation, rule of law, human rights and humanitarian law, and as election observers.

Switzerland is regularly invited by the EU to participate in civilian and military CSDP missions. It decides on participation on a case-by-case basis and in the light of its foreign and peace policy priorities. In doing so, it supports the efforts of one of its most important partners in peacebuilding and contributes to strengthening the rule of law and security in Europe and on its periphery, which in turn benefits Switzerland's security.

Press release EDA

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