Paradigm shift in security

To meet the growing need for security, the Schibli Group opened an additional competence center for building technology and security systems at its Winterthur site in early 2015. The provider recently held its first customer event on the topic of security awareness and the possibilities of today's security systems in the context of modern building technology.

Professional ice hockey players from the Kloten Flyers tested the burglary protection of various security systems in front of their fans.

About 70 interested security managers, planners, suppliers and partner companies of the Schibli AG and the partner company Fand AG followed the explanations of Rudolf Kreutzer from the Center for Systems Thinking. His presentation on "Security Consciousness Update 2015" addressed questions such as: Who shapes our security consciousness? What, if anything, have we learned from past disasters? How are our risks changing? What is outdated about our security awareness and how can we evolve it?

In this context, Kreutzer noted an actual paradigm shift in security awareness: "Our perceptions of threats are changing. The risks and corresponding fears are obviously becoming more and more prevalent. However, we care too much about the risks and too little about the opportunities. Security does not come from protecting the present, but from being open to alternatives. Modern security awareness should therefore not be oriented toward fear, but it should protect confidence."

Find the perpetrator with pictures

In the lecture by Roland Bachofner from the Image Analysis Group of the Zurich Forensic Institute, a joint organization of the Cantonal Police and the Zurich City Police, those present experienced the fascination of forensic image analysis and video surveillance from a police perspective. The expert for person recognition showed how images or videos can be evaluated and what significance they can have, for example, for investigators, a crime sequence, a perpetrator procedure, for the profiling of repeat offenders, a witness interview or the observation of suspects.

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