Surveillance for criminal offenses: New system in operation

The Postal and Telecommunications Traffic Surveillance Service started full operation of a new processing system a few days ago. This is intended to help solve serious crimes.

Better monitoring capabilities of postal and telecommunications traffic

In criminal proceedings or in the execution of a request for mutual legal assistance, the competent authorities of the cantons and of the Confederation may Service monitoring postal and telecommunications traffic (ÜPF service) with surveillance measures. For this purpose, the ÜPF service operates a central processing system to help solve serious crimes. A few days ago, the system went into full operation, according to the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP).

The ÜPF service is responsible for the legally compliant implementation of surveillance of postal and telecommunications traffic. According to the FDJP, it ensures that the requirements of data protection and information security are met.

The previous monitoring system had reached the end of its life cycle - a replacement procurement became necessary: The first Interception System Switzerland (ISS) project had been delayed several times due to technical complications and delivery problems, according to reports. After the cooperation with the manufacturer had been terminated in September 2013, the FDJP had started the ISS 2 project with the manufacturer of an already evaluated alternative system in December 2013.

Last November, those responsible began productive pilot operation of the new system. As a result, efficiency as well as data protection and information security have been significantly increased, as the FDJP emphasizes.

The functionality of the system is tied to the current legal framework. However, it can be adapted to new legal framework conditions and requirements, for example in the planned revision of the Federal Act on the Surveillance of Postal and Telecommunications Traffic (BÜPF), it concludes. Against a revision of the BÜPF is formed Resistance.

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