Where is the health protection?

Occupational accidents account for only a fraction of other absences. From an economic point of view, it therefore seems more "profitable" to focus more attention on work-related illnesses and absences due to illness. At the SSI conference "Where is health protection?", speakers will report on these "invisible" hazards and the means of prevention.

Work-related accidents account for only a fraction of other absences. © pixabay.com

Nine presentations show that the Health protection is not only a legal requirement and an ethical obligation, but also pays off in francs. At the beginning of the conference, the current status and the development in the normative and voluntary part of health protection and prevention will be discussed. Thus, an overview and the proximity to what is already practiced daily in the company but is far from optimal is created. The follow-up presentations on the core topics of "ergonomics", "maternity protection", "psychosocial factors", "merging work and leisure time", "hazardous substances", "Change in the labor market and stresses" and "Concretely preventing illnesses". Finally, the aspects dealt with individually are considered in an integrated manner and culminate in the presentation on occupational health management (BGM), which is also relevant and useful for SMEs.

Concentrated load of profitable information

What concerns in occupational health protection do companies and skilled workers demand for Occupational safety and HR currently stand out strongly? Where is there an urgent need for action to reduce absenteeism? These questions will also be answered at the conference. Traditionally, the participants receive a concentrated load of profitable information. And not only from competent speakers. The discussions during the coffee breaks, before and during lunch, as well as at the end of the event allow participants to reflect on the content, exchange ideas and bring in situations from their own companies. The conference is sponsored by the SGAS recognized as continuing education.

Appointment:   November 8, 2018
Location:           Hotel Marriott in Zurich

Further information and program

Patron partners: SSI - Swiss Association of Independent Safety Engineers and Consultants
Text: Galledia Save AG

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