Crimes below 500,000 for the first time

With 487,611 recorded crimes, the 2015 Swiss crime statistics fall below the 500,000 mark for the first time. This is the lowest figure since the revision of the statistics in 2009. In particular, the number of burglaries (-19%) and robberies (-21%) has decreased massively.

The total number of criminal offenses, i.e. violations of the Criminal Code, fell by 7 percent across Switzerland compared to the previous year and, according to the Federal Statistical Office, reached a new low since 2009 at 487,611 offenses. A decline in offenses in the police crime statistics has been observed since 2013 and can be explained by the steady decrease in property crimes, which account for more than two-thirds of offenses against the criminal code, as the president of the Conference of Cantonal Police Commanders (KKPKS), Stefan Blättler, writes.

19 percent fewer burglaries

Among 2015 property crimes, the double-digit decrease in almost all types of theft is striking. Three examples:

  • The number of burglaries decreased by 19 percent to 42,416 compared to the previous year. This is a decrease of almost 10,000 cases.
  • In pickpocketing, crimes decreased by 18 percent.
  • In vehicle burglary, 13 percent fewer crimes were recorded.

These encouraging results are due, among other things, to the great efforts of the police corps, which raise awareness among the population and are committed to protecting citizens and their property with a visible presence, prevention campaigns and repressive measures, according to the KKPKS media release. However, not all property crimes are on the decline, as shown by the increase in fraud and embezzlement offenses, both up 24 percent.

Increase in domestic violence

As in previous years, offenses against life and limb declined in 2015 (-102 offenses). While serious violent offenses remained constant, less serious violent offenses decreased, as a look at the statistics shows. These include, for example, simple assaults (-5%) as well as robbery offenses, which fell by around 20 percent compared to the previous year. Offenses related to domestic violence, on the other hand, have increased by 11 percent to 17,297 offenses. According to KKPKS, the sharp increase is partly due to a change in the reporting system.

Increasing violence and threats against officers

The number of reports of violence and threats against public officials, which also include police officers, increased by 9 percent (+241 offenses) compared to the previous year. This is a development that the CCCP is following with concern. In addition, past developments indicate that violence is becoming increasingly severe.

Mixed results for sexual offenses

A slight increase in offenses against sexual integrity (+4%) can be noted due to increased reports of exhibitionism (from 514 to 591 offenses) and other offenses against sexual integrity (+28%). The latter would be explained mainly by an increase in the unlawful practice of prostitution (+24%). On the other hand, the number of rapes (-4%), sexual acts with children (-6%) and pornography (-8%) decreased slightly.

Illegal import and export of hemp products

The majority of violations of the Narcotics Act in 2015 again related to the consumption (44%) and possession/securing (39%) of illicit substances, with the majority involving hemp products (60%). Furthermore, according to KKPKS, in the area of smuggling, the increase of import, export as well as transit of light cases by 139 percent is striking. This change can be explained by the increasing seizure of hemp seeds at customs, it says.

Increased violations against entry regulations

Violations of the Aliens Act increased by 7 percent year-on-year to 42,184. The main reasons were unlawful entry/exit and residence (+11%). In this category, the increased violations against entry regulations (+31%) were particularly significant.

Fewer defendants in the asylum sector

Since 2009, the number of minors accused of violations of the criminal code has been steadily decreasing and reached its lowest level in 2015. A new low of 14,157 accused persons was also recorded among 18 to 24 year-olds. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that despite increasing asylum applications, the number of accused from the asylum sector has again decreased (-19%), as the KKPKS emphasizes in its statement.


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