"Equality and work"

On the part of companies, maintaining and (re)acquiring the labor market capability of people with health impairments requires barrier-free framework conditions and practice-oriented knowledge to promote an inclusive environment. Compasso informs and supports employers in maintaining the labor market capability and the (re)integration of people with an impairment.

Practical support in professional integration. © Depositphotos/wujekspeed

As an employer, how do I structure a disabled person sustainable? How do I recognize declining performance in employees that indicate an emerging health impairment? And how do I work with Insurers, IV offices and physicians together? On the website, employers, executives and HR managers will find comprehensive information on all these questions and simple, practical tools and practical examples that are particularly helpful for small and medium-sized companies without their own health management.

As a neutral network, Compasso plays an important role in occupational integration: it links employers with the relevant system partners in order to jointly develop suitable instruments. It is under the patronage of the Swiss Employers' Association and has over 80 members from the private and public sectors. Members such as large companies, industry and other associations, social and private insurers, but also organizations of those affected, contribute in a spirit of solidarity. As a result, interested companies - especially SMEs - receive free practical information and tools to support them in maintaining the labor market capabilities of employees with impairments resulting from illness, accident or disability and in professional (re)integration.

Compasso has become an important national platform for vocational integration in recent years. The strategic importance of its work has also been recognized at the federal level. For example, Compasso was one of the relevant partners of the national conference for labor market integration of people with disabilities and is mentioned several times in the federal government's disability policy. In addition, not least through the think tank, the company has extensive expertise in the field of vocational integration as well as in the facilitation of stakeholder dialogues.

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