Fire protection: radical rethinking required

"Fire protection 4.0 or "The safe building of the future" - with this presentation, Hekatron CEO Peter Ohmberger recently called on the security industry to radically rethink at the Feuertrutz fire protection congress.

Safety expert Peter Ohmberger calls for the Trend study upholding a radical rethink.

Digitalization is advancing in leaps and bounds, but in many areas of system-based fire protection, work is still being done as it was 25 years ago, says Peter Ohmberger of Hekatron. "Just think of the annual detector test on site - or the fact that technically related fire protection trades such as smoke and heat extraction systems, hold-open systems and fire alarm systems often exist directly next to each other within a building as if they had nothing to do with each other. I definitely don't believe that such inefficient processes will be accepted in a technological and networked world of the future," Ohmberger elaborated.

"In order to analyze how we need to proceed in the face of such challenges - not in five or ten years, but right now - we have collaborated with the renowned futurology institute 2b AHEAD ThinkTank and the Berlin-based security specialist Schlentzek & Kühn to develop the Trend study "The safe building of the future developed." This study resulted in seven safety promises of the building of the future: It averts dangers, becomes simple, increases comfort, becomes flexible, efficient, promotes health and - as the seventh and at the same time most comprehensive safety promise - becomes an integral part of life. It creates added value for users by responding precisely and individually to their needs. "Ultimately, every component in a building - really every single part - will contribute to the safety of the users and the building," Ohmberger said. "How we realize the seven value propositions in an analog and digital world is the real issue for me." Against the backdrop of exponentially evolving technological change, he said, it will be possible to integrate computing power into virtually every component of a building, equip it with a wide range of actuators and sensors, and connect all trades via interoperable networks. "In this environment, entirely new business models will emerge in which the product becomes a means to an end, and as a result, entire value chains and value clusters will simply disappear," Ohmberger continued. "The development of new models is about nothing less than securing our future and that of our partners."

Fire Protection 4.0: Three key messages for success
With this in mind, Ohmberger gave the professional audience three main messages and strategies for the future in the context of Safety 4.0 and Fire Protection 4.0:

First: "Think fire protection and security in a new way! We can't stop at the hazard prevention function - we need to offer our customers 'security as a service' and create interfaces with other areas of life such as finance, energy efficiency, entertainment and health."

Second: "Become your customers' fire and safety manager! If you want to stay in the game in the safety industry, you have to become a provider of complete solutions, services and knowledge sales."

Third The topic of cooperation and collaboration needs to be rethought: "We need to specialize on the one hand and cooperate on the other. In particular, we need to open up to providers - for example, of gas, water, electricity and media - who already have access to the building," Ohmberger continued. "The world of cooperation and collaboration is colorful and diverse - within and especially outside our industry. Therein lies our great opportunity!"

Press release Hekatron

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