Sunscreen myths

More and more often - especially in the social media - you can read claims that sunscreen is of no use and is just a marketing tool of the industry. This unsettles many people. The Cancer League advises the use of sunscreen as a complementary protective measure to shade, hat, sunglasses and clothing.

The Cancer League advises the use of sunscreen as a complementary protective measure to shade, hat, sunglasses and clothing. © Markus Frutig, SAFETY-PLUS

Most people are aware that they have to protect themselves from protect too much UV radiation should. If they don't, painful sunburn soon follows - increasing the risk of skin cancer. The skin never forgets: not all cells damaged by UV rays can be repaired by the body. They can degenerate, multiply uncontrollably and thus cause skin cancer. Increasingly, online posts can be found warning of the danger of sunscreen. It should Skin cancer even cause, it is proclaimed. But is this true?

Benefits of sunscreen scientifically proven

According to current knowledge, the benefits of sunscreen products are greater than any potential health risks. Dermatologists, the Federal Office of Public Health and the Cancer League recommend consistent use of sunscreen, as a supplement to staying in the shade, wearing sunglasses, hats and clothing. Cancer League experts are constantly compiling the latest independent research to provide the best recommendations for sun protection. Skin cancer prevention to be able to issue

Attached are three statements that the Cancer League would like to shed some light on:

"I've never used sunscreen and I haven't gotten skin cancer yet."

Cancer is a disease of old age. Just one quarter of skin cancer sufferers are under 50 years of age when diagnosed. What is certain is that with every sunburn, and even before it occurs, genetic material in the cells of the skin is damaged. Some of these damaged cells can be repaired by the body on its own, but others are left damaged. These cells can begin to multiply uncontrollably on their own, which can then lead to cancer. Especially Sunburns at a young age increase the risk of skin cancer.

"If I protect myself from the sun and use sunscreen, my body can't produce enough vitamin D."

Direct solar radiation is not necessary for the formation of vitamin D [1]. In summer, sufficient indirect UVB radiation hits our body so that it can produce enough vitamin D and no deficiency symptoms occur. In the less sunny seasons, deficiencies can occur. In case of a deficiency, supplements can be taken, but this should be discussed with a specialist in advance.

"It's strange, what did people do 100, 200 years ago before there was sunscreen? Did they all get skin cancer?"

On the one hand, the life expectancy of people 100 years ago averaged just 45 years. On the other hand, it is suspected that various factors contribute to more skin cancer cases: the UV-intensive leisure behavior that has been changing for years; frequent sun vacations as well as solarium visits. Another reason could be that the very good medical care in Switzerland makes it possible to detect cancer at an early stage and also to record it as a disease (cancer registry).

For these reasons, the Cancer League recommends:

  • stay in the shade between 11:00 and 15:00, because this is the best protection against the sun.
  • Wear hat, sunglasses and dresses.
  • Apply sunscreen as a supplement.
  • not go to the solarium.

This is what the Cancer League offers for sun protection

Brochures such as "Sun Protection," "Sun Protection - The Essentials in a Nutshell," and "Sun Protection for My Child" as well as fact sheets can be downloaded or ordered free of charge.

Author and more info:


Editor's note to the message

[1] In order to be able to form vitamin D, the skin must be exposed to direct sunlight. Depending on the skin type, around 10 to 15 minutes (maximum) are sufficient for this - but without sunscreen. Since we Central Europeans spend up to 90 % of our time indoors and are clothed most of the time, our bodies cannot produce enough vitamin D, which is why scientific circles clearly assume a broad undersupply of vitamin D in the population. Vitamin D is an extremely important hormone, which is not only for the bones, but also for cancer prevention, cell protection, brain function, regenerative processes and to support autoimmune diseases extremely relevant.

Unfortunately, most commercially available vitamin D supplements offer only extremely small amounts of this vital vitamin and one should definitely discuss this in advance with trained alternative practitioners, nutritionists or specialists before buying expensive and worthless supplements.

To get a concrete picture of what you would have to eat and how much to get enough vitamin D, Helsana insurance reads, "15 micrograms of vitamin D are contained, for example, in 180 grams of wild salmon, 515 grams of raw chicken eggs, which is the equivalent of about nine medium-sized eggs, or 485 grams of fresh porcini mushrooms...".

Link tips from the editors

Importance of vitamin D in cancer prevention

Video: Vitamin D - "Hype or Hope" Lecture by Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Spitz

Unfavorable prognosis for cancer in the presence of low vitamin D levels

Vitamin D in multiple sclerosis

Respiratory infections can be prevented with vitamin D

Vitamin D - summary of the facts" from Health Promotion Switzerland


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