Securitas launches emergency app

Securitas AG has launched "SecuriHelp", a free app that is a personal emergency manager. The app increases the competence to act in emergency situations and helps users to react correctly.


What to do in the event of a traffic accident? How do I secure the accident site? Who do I have to alert? Most people are under a great deal of stress in stressful situations such as an accident or after a property crime and often don't remember the correct procedure - even though they actually have the knowledge. The SecuriHelp app provides a remedy in this regard: step-by-step instructions make it possible to react correctly even under stress in order to help oneself and others if necessary, according to the company. The app was developed by 17minutes, a company specializing in emergency prevention, was designed and implemented together with the Securitas AG optimized. The free tool offers quick alerting functions, conveys quickly comprehensible knowledge for coping with an emergency and helps to process the experience.

Valuable helper on the smartphone

The app is easy to use, with text and image information as well as voice instructions, and is clearly divided into the following topics: Accident, Fire, Theft, Burglary, Threat and First Aid. The emergency call functions are designed to alert users quickly and easily. The user can also store personal, medical, insurance and financial information in a securely protected area, which can be helpful in an emergency.

The SecuriHelp app is now available for iOS and Android in the respective stores. downloaded be

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