The ten most resilient brands in Switzerland

BRANDS As part of a broad-based study, Brandtrust surveyed 5,600 customers about 65 leading brands from Switzerland. A company with Swissness at its core made it to the top of the list of the most resilient brands.

Victorinox is at the top of the list of the most resistant brands in Switzerland.
Victorinox is at the top of the list of the most resistant brands in Switzerland.

The strength of the Swiss franc and margin erosion are causing problems for many Swiss companies. What room for maneuver - beyond cost cutting - do CEOs and entrepreneurs have in these difficult times? Where does the resilience of companies come from that helps them transform their business, push through prices and keep employees on board? The answer: from the brand. The brand, understood as a management system for appreciation and value creation and not as a cosmetic surface, makes Swiss companies robust.

Victorinox - a real stand-up guy
The best example of this is Victorinox. The inventor of the pocket knife is ranked number 1 in BrandTrust's brand resilience study, which was conducted for the first time. Victorinox has proven to be a real stand-up guy: After difficult years, the family business from Ibach SZ has transformed itself into a global brand for watches, clothing and luggage in recent years. With high indispensability, a striking price premium, innovation and loyal brand fans, Victorinox is currently the most resilient brand in Switzerland, followed by Lindt, Ricola, Swatch and Migros.




Protective shield against price erosion
Brands increase price assertiveness, customer loyalty and willingness to recommend. "In this way, they act like a protective shield against the strength of the Swiss franc and price erosion," says study author Achim Feige, partner at BrandTrust. The study shows which ingredients are necessary for this: genuine Swiss values such as cooperative, family, authenticity, closeness to people, excellence in performance but also innovation and the idea of 'stubborn' resistance to external threats. "Being indispensable in the lives of customers, thereby achieving a price premium and being 'good' for Switzerland are the great optimization potentials for CEOs and brand managers who want to make their companies more resilient," Feige concluded. "New names or hollow creative image campaigns without substance, are perceived as cosmetics and drive customers to Euroland."

About the study
Over the past twelve months, BrandTrust has interviewed more than 150 CEOs and top decision-makers from 40 industries in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. This formed the basis for determining the criteria of the BrandTrust Resilience Index. On this basis, a total of 20,000 customers and buyers were surveyed on the resilience of 223 brands, including around 5600 customers and 65 leading brands from 14 market segments in Switzerland. They were not selected solely on the basis of their brand strength. Important criteria were also resilience factors such as future viability or price premium. The study was led by Achim Feige, Partner at BrandTrust.

Note: A Swiss brand is defined as a brand that serves end customers in the Swiss market and is relevant in its industry - regardless of where the owner is based. For this reason, important global challengers such as Google were also integrated into the study.

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