Mobile communications 5G: feeling the pulse

Interest in the latest mobile communications technology 5G is high. But the perception of possible health risks is also relevant. This is the result of a survey by the gfs.bern research institute.

Mobile communications 5G
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On behalf of Chance5G, the opinion research institute gfs.bern conducted a survey of 1006 voters throughout Switzerland on the topics of mobile communications and 5G. The results show that the importance and benefits of the mobile communications infrastructure are undisputed. A clear majority of 86% sees the benefits in the foreground, according to the Chance5G press release. Across Switzerland, less than 1 in 10 people are skeptical about mobile communications today, it said. A broad majority (88%) is convinced that companies and businesses need an efficient and secure mobile communications network and that modern mobile communications systems are necessary for this (81%). Two-thirds of all Swiss believe that the current limits protect against health risks. Paradoxically, just as many respondents believed that mobile phone radiation could lead to health problems. This contradiction is resolved by the realization that these fears and uncertainties result mainly from hearsay, Chance5G said.

5G: Interest is high - but ...

The attitude toward 5G is also more positive than expected. Interest in 5G is very high. According to the gfs survey, 84% have already heard of the new technology. A majority of the population is therefore also aware of the advantages and benefits of 5G technology. The perception of possible health risks is also relevant, but is behind the expected benefits. The majority of the population recognizes the opportunities offered by 5G technology. At 24%, the skeptics are in a clear minority.

The present results lead to important findings. Chance5G co-president Isabelle Chevalley explains, "Even though the majority is in favor of 5G, more people are critical of 5G than of mobile communications in general. This confirms that a loud minority of 5G opponents has succeeded in being very present in the public perception and in unsettling the population." Co-President Martin Candinas adds, "The opportunities and benefits aspect of 5G is underrepresented in the public discussion. When it comes to health concerns, there is a prevailing misunderstanding based on hearsay that 5G is still insufficiently researched. Therefore, there is a need to educate and convince people that 5G does not pose a risk, but rather offers benefits and opportunities."

Source: Chance5G

The report on the JRC survey can be viewed here.


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