10 rules for the PPE

In support of Suva's 250 Lives campaign, the industry association Swiss Safety is launching ten rules for PPE.

The 10 rules for the proper use of PPE can save lives.
The 10 rules for the proper use of PPE can save lives.

Suva's "250 Lives" campaign aims to prevent 250 fatal occupational accidents and 250 accidents resulting in disability within 10 years. To this end, it relies on the following for the various occupational groups "Vital rules", which can prevent serious occupational accidents.

One of these rules relates to the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE). The industry association of Swiss PPE suppliers, Swiss Safety, wants to chime in here. Their goal is a daily, 2-minute PSA briefing from leaders to employees in all operations.

For this, the association launches 10 PSA rules:

  1. Consistent wearing of PPE and application of the Stop rule in case of danger
  2. Involve employees in setting internal PPE guidelines in coordination with risks and work
  3. Obtain feedback from employees on a regular basis
  4. Observe interaction of different PPE - such as respiratory protection and helmet
  5. Consider the service life of the PPE
  6. Sustainable procurement - service life also plays a role in total costs
  7. Only use PPE that conforms to EN standards
  8. Use personally assigned and individually fitted PPE
  9. Regular professional instruction on the correct use, risks and rules
  10. Regular maintenance and inspection of the PPE as well as daily user checks
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