GC, FCZ and City of Zurich join forces against football violence

The two Zurich city football clubs GC and FCZ and the city of Zurich will join forces in the future to combat the problem of violence in the football environment. Measures are planned in the area of prevention and repression.

Photo: PD Police

Violence in the football environment has been a concern in Switzerland and Zurich for many years. Various measures have been taken by the clubs and the authorities, such as the cantonal "Hooligan Concordat". However, the nature and extent of the violence has changed again and again. For example, for about a year now, violence in Zurich has hardly ever taken place inside the stadium, but outside it, according to the City of Zurich. The brutality of individual incidents is frightening.

Action plan developed

Since the beginning of this year, the city of Zurich and the two city football clubs have been working intensively on the problem in two different working groups. The two working groups have been in contact with each other, have been able to build mutual trust and have developed a plan of action to curb the problem of violence around football, according to a City of Zurich media release issued today:

- Collaboration: It is central that the soccer clubs, the city of Zurich and the law enforcement agencies pull together and work closely together. That is why the clubs' expert group and the city's Orbit working group are being brought together in the new "Doppelpass" project group. The project team consists of representatives of the clubs, the public prosecutor's office, the city police, the school and sports department, the social affairs department and the security department. Work has already begun.

It is generally agreed that a small group of Violent offenders forms the problem. These violent criminals, who cultivate a misunderstood rivalry and whose actions against police officers and even against the weak and underdog are also condemned by many fans and Ultras in the curves, should be isolated and prosecuted. The behavior of the vast majority of GC and FCZ fans is not objectionable. These reasonable fans belong to the sport of football, are an enrichment for it and can make an important contribution to improving the situation.

- Prevention: In the area of prevention, the commitment will be increased. Accordingly, more resources will be needed. In the future, the focus will be on young fans, and the interface between fan and youth work will have to be institutionalized. In the area of youth and sport, other players are to be involved. For example, anti-violence campaigns and statements by players and other key players should be considered. If individual measures are taken, they should be coordinated. Joint activities should be stepped up and the effectiveness increased through "one voice".

- Repression: Those who take part in violent riots, commit blunt and senseless violence against others, must expect repressive measures. True fans and Ultras who behave correctly in the football environment have nothing to fear. The focus of the law enforcement authorities is on the small group of violent offenders. In the future, these will be prosecuted with all available means under the rule of law. The law enforcement authorities have already taken action. In addition, the "double passport" working group will address various issues, such as how to protect people who report crimes or provide information. Measures to de-anonymize perpetrators of violence, for example through the use of mobile and temporary Video cameras, strengthening cooperation between the city police, the prosecutor's office and the cantonal police, and focusing on leaders and repeat offenders.

GC, FCZ and the City of Zurich are committed to having two football clubs in Zurich, are determined to work together against the violence of a small group of people and emphasize the high social value of football.



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