Safety for Spitex operations

With the new brochure for specialist staff in Spitex companies, the EKAS wants to draw attention to the importance of occupational safety and health protection in non-hospital care.

The risk of accidents in non-hospital care is increasing.
The risk of accidents in non-hospital care is increasing.

More and more elderly people are dependent on external help and care. Around 30,000 full-time employees now work in this field, and the trend is rising. Over the past 10 years, the risk of accidents in Spitex companies has risen from 69.2 to 76.1 accidents per 1000 full-time employees. In 2012, more than 2200 occupational accidents occurred in Spitex companies. These caused ongoing insurance benefits of more than 6 million Swiss francs (source SSUV).

Employees in home help and care are often exposed to high mental and physical stress. An up-to-date source of information on occupational health and safety is therefore indispensable.

Important working tool in prevention
The new FCOS brochure is aimed primarily at the managers and staff of organizations and companies that provide external assistance and care services. It provides a valuable basis for their activities. Divided into thematic sections, this brochure lists possible hazards and at the same time suggests appropriate measures.
The brochure was developed in collaboration with specialists from the federal government, Suva, the cantons, and the most important industry and professional associations. With this practical and easy-to-understand tool, the FCOS is closing an important gap in prevention. In this way, it is making an active contribution to the reduction of occupational accidents and illnesses as well as work-related health complaints among skilled personnel in home help and care.

Free online order
Under order number 6291, the brochure can be ordered free of charge on the EKAS website or downloaded as a Pdf file: > Ordering service.

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