Emergency protection in the vicinity of nuclear facilities tightened

The total revision of the Ordinance on Emergency Protection in the Vicinity of Nuclear Facilities will enter into force on January 1, 2019.

Source: Confederation

Following the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, the Federal Council set up the interdepartmental Ida Nomex working group. This group examined whether and how the existing legal and organizational measures in the area of emergency protection need to be adapted. The principles drawn up by Ida Nomex form the basis for the total revision of the Emergency Protection Ordinance (NFSV).

Main contents of the revision

Tightening of planning assumptionsReference scenarios describe potential events and their effects. In emergency response, reference scenarios are used to define binding specifications for preparedness. A reference scenario now applies that assumes severe core damage, a failure of the protective shell and an unfiltered release of considerable amounts of radioactivity (reference scenario A4). This corresponds to an INES Level 7 event, the highest level on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) event scale. In the event of such an event, emergency protection measures could also be required in areas that lie well outside emergency protection zone 2 (radius of 20 km around a nuclear power plant). Thus, measures would also be necessary in the rest of Switzerland (previous zone 3) and correspondingly more players would have to prepare for emergency protection measures.

In the totally revised NFSV, the duties of the cantons in which municipalities of emergency protection zones 1 and 2 are located are specified and partially supplemented. The associated higher requirements can be handled within the framework of the existing organizations. Tasks are now also assigned to cantons, regions and municipalities in the rest of Switzerland. The greater effort required for planning and preparing emergency protection measures in the newly affected cantons can be handled within the framework of the existing emergency organizations.

Regulation of evacuationIn the totally revised NCCR, greater emphasis is placed on large-scale evacuation. Both cantons in which municipalities of emergency protection zones 1 and 2 are located and cantons in the rest of Switzerland must participate. The latter must in particular ensure the evacuation of the population at risk and the accommodation and care of evacuees.

Terminological adjustmentsThe previous "zones" are now called "emergency protection zones". Zone 3" (area of the rest of Switzerland) no longer exists in this form. In addition, the term "planning areas" is introduced. Within planning areas, specific protective measures are ordered in the event of an incident.

Consultation result

In the consultation on the total revision of the NCCR carried out in 2017, 44 comments were received. The vast majority of the participants in the consultation supported the principles of the draft, but expressed requests for adjustments or reservations. The proposals and suggestions were largely taken into account. The results of the consultation process are published in a separate report (see Link).

Source: Federal Council


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