Reorientation of basic police training

Starting in fall 2019, basic police training throughout Switzerland will last two years.

Police institute, basic training
Illustration image: © depositphotos, swisshippo

Behind the term "Overall Education Policy Concept (BGK) 2020" is the decision of the Conference of Cantonal Justice and Police Directors (KKJPD) to further develop police education and training and to adapt it to the requirements of a competence- and practice-oriented design. After a three-year project phase, this is now being implemented with the approval of the Conference of Cantonal Police Commanders of Switzerland (KKPKS) and the KKJPD and released the project for implementation. Reto Habermacher, Director of the Swiss Police Institute (SPI) and overall project manager, draws a positive balance: "The basic principles were developed in close cooperation with our contacts. They guarantee up-to-date, competence-oriented basic training for future police officers, without disregarding regional specifics."

Uniform testing of operational capability

The first training phase in the regional training centers is concluded with the uniform test of operational capability. Those who successfully complete this can start the second training phase in their own corps. The operational capability examination corresponds in principle to the current professional examination in the one-year system. What is new in particular is that graduates must also provide information on values, standards and attitudes in an oral part of the examination. In addition, the examination is uniform throughout Switzerland.

Uniform practice tools 

The second training phase serves to further deepen the acquired knowledge and skills in practice. The focus here is on working on practical cases. With the support of practical guides and mentors, the trainees use standardized instruments to create a portfolio that serves as the basis for the professional examination. The practical cases correspond to the requirements of the respective corps. The two-year basic training is completed with the writing of a report and an expert discussion on the occasion of the professional examination.

With the completion of the project phase, the implementation phase has begun. This involves working out the individual elements in detail, providing stakeholders with comprehensive information, and preparing them to take on the tasks, some of which are new. All these activities are in progress, so that the first training course under the new model can start on schedule in the fall of 2019. Accordingly, the first operational capability examination will be conducted in fall 2020 and the first new professional examination in fall 2021.

Uniform certification

In addition to basic police training, BGK 2020 also includes two other elements: Firstly, the range of further police training is being subjected to a thorough review, and secondly, a modular certification system has been developed for police security assistants, which has been implemented since the fall of 2018.

Source: Swiss Police Institute

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