Stay visible

Cyclists have a narrower silhouette compared to other road users. With three simple tips, you can increase your personal safety on the road in both summer and winter, regardless of which vehicle you are using. 


Around 40 percent of all road traffic accidents involve bicycles, and the trend is rising. According to the latest figures from accident insurers, 22,000 bicycle accidents occur every year. A third of these occur during the darker seasons. However, if you equip yourself and your bike well for dusk and darkness and for winter conditions, you will protect yourself and help to prevent further accidents.

According to Suva, cyclists usually have a narrow silhouette compared to other road users. This is often not easily recognizable. If you also wear bright clothing, a fluorescent vest and reflectors on your bike, rucksack, helmet and shoes, you will also increase your visibility.

"Equipped with reflectors, people are visible from a distance of 130 to 160 meters, whereas people in dark clothing are only visible from 40 to 50 meters," explains Simon Vonmoos, leisure safety expert at Suva.

With three tips and anticipatory driving behavior, personal safety can be increased in both summer and winter, regardless of which vehicle you are driving. The currencies apply:

  • Make yourself visible
  • Show clearly where you want to go
  • Don't let yourself be distracted

Source: Suva

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